Mancelona Student Voice

The students of MHS Web Design and Journalism have partnered to create student generated web pages.  These pages cover current activities within in the district and community.  Check out what the students are doing!

Questions and suggestions for any Student Voice Web Page should be directed to Karen Malloy ( or Student Voice ( 

Direct Web Page Links:



Mancelona Student Voice Home Page


High School

Mancelona High School

MHS Elective Courses 

Mancelona High School Athletics

The Forge 

Mancelona Band

Mancelona Robotics 

Safe in Northern Michigan - Mancelona Members 

MHS Spirit / Student Activities  

MHS Teacher Spotlight (Updated!)

Class of 2024 Information 

Popular Things around MHS 


Middle School 

Mancelona Middle School (New site for Semester 2!)


Elementary School

Mancelona Elementary School (New site for Semester 2!)



Unsung Heroes  (Updated!)

Military Alumni Showcase (New site for Semester 2!)


  • We are always collecting info on our military alumni.  Please see the flier at the bottom of the Military Alumni Showcase page for details on how you can share information.

Sites will continue to be added over time.  Check back regularly to see the work being done by the Mancelona Student Voices.

block M with words: Mancelona Student Voice

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